Django Polls Sample App

Django makes it easier to build better Web apps more quickly and with less code.Get started with Django

This application is a sample Django polls application using Postgres database

Set up on Azure

  • Create a Postgres server and database on Azure . Many options are available for postgres as listed here.
  • Import the database schema in the djangopollschema.sql
  • Click on Deploy to Azure
  • Add AppSettings (key/value pair) for your web app
DATABASENAME = <your-db-name>
DATABASEUSER = <your-db-user>
DATABASEPASSWORD = <your-db-password>
DATABASEHOST= <your-db-host>
  • Browse the site . You can access the django administration site with these credentials
User: djadmin
Password: superuser 

Upgrade python packages

You can upgrade Python packages using pip. Use the following command to upgrade your packages

D:\home\sites\wwwroot>env\Scripts\pip install -U <packagename>


  • If you run into any database sync issues, then open the KUDU debug console for your web app ( URL format is the following DJANGO migrate command to sync the models in this app with your database.
D:\home>CD d:\home\site\wwwroot
D:\home\site\wwwroot>env\Scripts\python.exe migrate 
  • If you noticed errors in d:\home\site\wwwroot\wfastcgi.log such as "Error loading module xxxx" , then uninstall the packages and then reinstall. You can see the packages required in requirements.txt .

First uninstall the package

D:\home\site\wwwroot>env\Scripts\pip uninstall <packagename>

Then install the pacakge

D:\home\site\wwwroot>env\Scripts\pip install <packagename>

You can run d:\home\site\wwwroot\setup.cmd to perform this operation instead of manually uninstalling each python package.