
A web contains 2048 and memory card game !!

Primary LanguageCSS

Web Design FinalProject


First semester of the second year of university.

Environment Set

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Open the home.html with LiveServer in VSCode

This project contains Two Game makeing by Html, CSS, JavaScript

  1. 2048 Game
  2. Flipping Card Game

Work Table 💼

  • 傅靖嘉
    • 2048頁面設計, 2048程式撰寫, 2048相關測試, 色調調整設計
  • 鄭元翔
    • 起始畫面製作設計, card game畫面設計, nav bar設計, Dark mode light mode設計
  • 陳義夫
    • 卡牌洗牌功能