Homework #2


  1. Setup your initial route at / to return 'Hello World'.

    Example: A GET request to localhost:5000/ would return 'Hello World'.

  2. Build a route called /birthday that returns your birthday as a string in this format: 'October 30 1911'.

    Example: A GET request to localhost:5000/birthday returns 'October 30 1911' (Use your birthday instead)

  3. Build a route called /greeting that accepts a parameter called name. The route should return a string that says 'Hello <name>' where <name> is the name that you passed to the route.

    Example: A GET request to localhost:5000/greeting/ben would return 'Hello ben!'

  4. Modify your home route (/) to return the html template provided below.

    • Create a folder called templates in the root of your project's directory.
    • Create a file called home.html in the templates directory.
    • Paste the HTML shown below into home.html and save.
    • In your main server file modify the flask import line to say: from flask import Flask, render_template
    • In your home (/) route return render_template('home.html').
    • Navigate to localhost:5000/ and you should see the rendered HTML.

Your file structure should look like this:

 --server.py (or whatever you named your python script)
 ---- home.html

Paste this HTML into home.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <img src="https://lambdaschool.com/static/assets/images/lambda.png">
    <h3>You just served your first webpage.</h3>
    <p>This page is pretty bare right now but these are the fundamentals that all websites are built on.  Later in the course we will teach you some basic HTML, CSS, and Javascript so that you can structure more sophisticated pages with more detailed designs and complex functionality</p>
    <p>Our full time and part time courses will go much more in depth as to what it takes to build the same kinds of web applications that you know and love.  We will be covering the cutting edge frameworks used by industry leaders to create highly performant and beautiful applications.</p>

Extra Credit

  1. Create a route called /add that adds two parameteres together and returns them.

    • localhost:5000/add/5/10 would return '15'
    • You will need to convert the parameters to integers using int()
    • Example: fiveAsInt = int('5') => fiveAsInt == 5
    • You then have to convert the int back into a string using str()
    • Example: fiveAsString = str(5) => fiveAsString == '5'
    • You can also prefix the parameter with the keyword int => <int:param>. Make sure you turn it back into a string
  2. Create a route called /multiply and a route called /subtract

    • localhost:5000/multiply/6/5 would return '30'
    • localhost:5000/subtract/25/5 would return '20'
    • Make sure you are converting the parameters to ints and returning a string
  3. Create a route called /favoritefoods that returns a list of your favorite foods

    • A list is a collection of different values. => ['football', 'basketball', 'rugby']
    • The server must return a string so we need to convert our list into a string.
    • One common string format for sending complex data is JSON.
    • Change the top line of your server file to from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify
    • Pass your list to jsonify() when returning it. return jsonify(myList)

Congratulations on finishing Homework #2

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