C# port of Standard Template Library (STL)
Attempt on porting C++ STL library to C#.
Please notice some of the algorithm from STL are not ported to C#
Most of your time using the library is in implementation InputIterator ( to get the data from) and the OutputIterator to output the data. Therefore you need to be familiar with the InputIterator type and OutputIterator type.
There are only two namespace (LibNavigate.Iterator and LibNavigate.Iterator.Extend) you need to know in implementation.LibNavigate.Iterator contains the interface of the iterator and LibNavigate.Iterator.Extend contains the default implementation of iterator.
IIteratorBase = base type of all iterator
IInputIterator = base type of input iterator
IOutputIterator = base type of output iterator
IForwardIterator = base type of iterator which both read and write
IBidirectionalIterator = base type of iterator which goes both way (forward and backward)
IRandomAccessIterator = base type of iterator which can have random access
OutputIterator = generic output iterator
ConsoleOutputIterator = output to console
FileOutputIterator = output to file
MultiOutputIterator = output to multiple source
OutputIteratorAdapter = change output to another type
BackInsertIterator = output to collection
FileInputIterator = read from file and convert data
SimpleFileInputIterator = read from file
InputIteratorAdapter = change input to another type
RangeInputIterator = read data only from certain range
LimitInputIterator = subset the input
InputIterator = default implementation of IInputIterator
ForwardIterator = default implementation of IForwardIterator
BidirectionalIterator = default implementation of IBidirectionalIterator
RandomAccessIterator = default implementation of IRandomAccessIterator
// Copying data from input to output
int[] data = { 1, 2, 3 };
IList<int> lst = new List<int>();
using (IInputIterator<int> inputIterator = new InputIterator<int>(data))
using(IOutputIterator<int> outputIterator=new BackInsertIterator<int>(lst))
Algorithm.Copy(inputIterator, outputIterator);
//Display the data into the Console
int[] data = { 1, 2, 3 };
using (IInputIterator<int> inputIterator = new InputIterator<int>(data))
using(IOutputIterator<int> outputIterator=new ConsoleOutputIterator<int>())
Algorithm.Copy(inputIterator, outputIterator);
The best place to find documentation about STL is in https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/header/algorithm
There are some thing what is different from C++ STL.I have made the resource cleanup part explicit. In C++ it is your choice whether you put a destructor or not. In my port, I have add IDisposable interface which force you think about resource management (you can still ignore it if you want).
Since there is no concept of moving (std::move) in C# , I have add an interface IRemoveable which implementation need to remove the current element in the iterator.
For cloning method , there is two interface IShallowClone which does not clone the underlying data and IPartialClone which clone the underlying data.
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