Medium Clone project is a full stack web application project and it was created with Java Spring Boot and Next.js. Also, frontend design of project was designed with Tailwind CSS.
In our application, users will be able to share their own writings and comment on other users' writings. They can also follow other users and receive notifications when they are followed. Additionally, there will be a special section for popular posts and authors in our app. Users can follow their favorite authors and easily find their writings. Our app will also have a search feature, allowing users to easily find posts on specific topics. Along with all these features, users will have profiles where they can share information about themselves.
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- MySql
- Redis
- Docker
- Jwt
- Cloudinary
- Modelmapper
- Apache commons-lang3
- Swagger
- JavaScript
- React
- Next.js
- Next Auth
- Tailwind CSS
- Swr
- TypeScript
- next-mdx
- Ant Desing
- Material UI
1. Clone or Download zip folder of this repository
git clone
3. Run docker compose file for redis and mysql images. Open cmd in project root folder and type:
docker compose up -d
4. Start your backend project with your favourite IDE.
5. In frontend directory, open cmd and type:
npm install
6. Start frontend project.
npm run dev