
this is a QASystem implemented with BERT

Primary LanguageJavaScript


this is a QASystem implemented with BERT

install prerequisite packages

install with command

pip3 install -U tf-nightly-2.0-preview bert-for-tf2 flask flask-cors flask-socketio celery gevent
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev rabbitmq-server

celery and socketio need rabbit message queue, so launch it with command

sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server

download pretrained bert model for Chinese language

download with the following command.

bash downloads.sh

collect question and answer pairs

put the questions and answers in format as question_answer.txt's. and execute following command to convert the collected samples into dataset format.

make -C cc && make -C cc install
./cc/create_dataset -i question_answer.txt -o dataset

finetune bert classifer to predict relavance between question and answer correctly

with directory dataset generated by the above command presented, finetune with the following to start finetune.

python3 Predictor.py

run the QASystem server

run the QA system server by

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='' python3 server.py

stop the server by Ctrl+C

test the server

firefox <ip>:5000

web page