
a online Marketplace for coffee retail (QA)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Iced Latte QA

Total Lines of Code

Automated tests in Python for project Iced Latte -> https://github.com/Sunagatov/Iced-Latte/


For running tests should be created configs.py in root directory of format:

HOST = '<URL:port to app Online-Store>'
HOST_DB = '<URL to database of service>'
PORT_DB = '<port to database of service>'
DB_NAME = '<name database>'
DB_USER = '<username for connect to database>'
DB_PASS = '<password for connect to database>'
DEFAULT_PASSWORD = '<default password for test users>'
JWT_SECRET = '<default secret for JWT>'

Start Local Iced-Latte Backend



./start_be.sh [tag]
# for example
./start_be.sh development-bf1ba24


  • optional parameter is a tag from the Docker Hub for BE image, default is the latest tag
  • it might be necessary to make script executable before the first run chmod +x ./start_be.sh
  • the script will pull the specified version of BE image and start BE, Postgres and Minio
  • if the tag on DockerHub is different from the latest commit on BE development branch, the script will print warning
  • periodically clean up the system by running docker rm

Swagger will be available here http://localhost:8083/api/docs/swagger-ui/index.html.

To check the logs use:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml logs --tail 500


(!) BE SURE TO INSTALL ALLURE -> https://allurereport.org/docs/gettingstarted/installation/

To get the Allure report on the local computer, follow these steps in root directory:

python -m pytest ./tests --alluredir=allure_report --clean-alluredir
allure serve allure_report

Pre-commit hooks

For running pre-commit hooks should be installed pre-commit -> https://pre-commit.com/#install

pre-commit install

To run pre-commit hooks, execute next command before commit:

pre-commit run --all-files

Database Navigator

For Ultimate Edition consider using Database Tools and SQL plugin

Install Database Navigator Plugin:

  1. double click Shift
  2. type Plugins
  3. type Database Navigator > click Install
  4. navigate to View > Tool Windows > DB Browser
  5. click New Connection
  6. select PostgesSQL

Go to View > Tool Windows > DB Browser.

Add new PostgresSQL connection:

  • Host
  • Database testdb
  • User postgres
  • Password postgres
