
SMT Benchmarks of Hybrid Systems for Verification using SafeEMC

Primary LanguageSMT


SMT Benchmarks of Hybrid Systems used so far for Verification.


Initial Plant State: 55 F =<temperature<= 75

Initial Control Input : u =20

Tested Mode : All three (Off, RegularHeating and FastHeating)

Safety Criteria : temperature < 52

Tested Disturbances : release-time = 0.1, sampling jitter = 0.1

DC Motor

Initial Plant State: 1=< armature current <=1.2, 10 =<angular velocity (theta dot)<=11

Initial Control Input : voltage = 1

Safety Criteria : 1.0 =< i<=1.2 & 11 =< angVal>=10

Tested Disturbances : release-time = 0.01, sensing-time = 0.001

Yaw Damper for Boeing 747

Initial Plant State: 0.226891=< x1 <= 0.318401 ;1.384075 =<x2 <= 1.625669 ; 0.226891 =<x3 <= 0.318401 ; 1.384075 =<x4 <= 1.625669 ; 1.384075=< w <= 1.625669 ;

Initial Control Input : 0.226891=<u <= 0.318401 ;

Tested Mode : Spiral Mode

Safety Criteria : x4<=0.08


Initial Plant State: 115.19 =< p_engine_speed >= 94.25; p_throttle_angle == 9.9; p_manifold_pressure==0.7840; p_airbyfuel_meas==14.7; in_thetaI == 10;

Initial Control Input : c_commanded_fuel_gps == 0.3517 ; p_air_estimate == 0.784; p_pi == 0;

Tested Mode : Normal Mode

Safety Criteria : p_airbyfuel_meas>15

Tested Disturbances : release-time = 0.01

Lunar Lander

Initial Plant State: 29.5 =<position <=30.5; -2.5=< velocity <= -1.5; 1245 =<mass <= 1255;

Initial Control Input : 2020 =<FuelCommand <= 2035; tempM == 0 ; tempF == 0 ;

Safety Criteria : position==0 & 5<velocity<(-5)

Tested Disturbances : time: [0.1,0.5] =>angVal:[-0.02,+0.02

Adaptive Cruise Control

Initial Plant State: 50 =< velocity <= 80; 40 =< acceleration <= 70;

Initial Control Input : 450 =< u <= 500;

Tested Mode : Car Following Mode

Safety Criteria : time >=0.4 & velocity >11

Tested Disturbances : release-time = 0.02, sampling jitter = 0.012

Electro-Magnetic Break

Initial Plant State: Motor Current==0; Caliper Position==0;

Initial Control Input : Voltage==0; Xc==0;

Safety Criteria : Caliper Position>0.052 & time <0.146

Tested Disturbances : sensing-time = 0.001

Output files

Our tool-chain takes 1) plant model as hybrid automaton, 2) Controller program in C with standard input/output structures, 3) Configuration file with real-time disturbance(Jitter, Noise, Quantization error) specifications. It merges this implementation level details and encodes an SMT formula over Reals, to be solved bt dReal Solver. Every benchmark folder contains

.ha file

containing Initial states and plant model

.c, .h file

with controller code, along with standard input output format in header file

.cfg file

with several implementation level details(Variable ranges, disturbances), Safety property and bound to be checked for

output folders

with sample runs as reported in paper,

.log files

  with execution time logs,

.smt2 files

  containing tool generated smt formula in smt-lib 2.0 format,

.json files

  to visualize counter examples (instructions given in .log file)