
This is a flask web app that allows users to post blogs,users can comment on them and the owner of the post can delete user comments or their own blog posts

Primary LanguagePython




This is a flask web app that allows users to post blogs,users can comment on them and the owner of the post can delete user comments,update blogs and or delete blogs.Users can also enjoy random funny quotes as they read the blogs

User Stories

As a user I would like:

  • to sign up for an account
  • to create blogs
  • to update my blog post
  • to delete blogs
  • to delete comments
  • to read other blogs
  • to delete comments that are associated with my blog
  • to comment on other blogs


Behavior Input Outcome
Register to be a user Your email : john@doe.com Username : jonDoo Password : doe New user is registered
User Log in Your email : john@doe.com Password : doe Logged in
Create Blog Click Create Post Authenticated User is redirected to a form page to create a new Blog
View Blog Click on Blog's title Redirected to a page that has that single Blog
Comment on Blog Click Comment Authenticated user is redirected to a form to comment about that Blog
Delete a Blog Click Delete Blog Authenticated user i.e owner of the blog is prompted to delete
Delete a comment Click Delete Under the comment Blog Owner is prompted to delete a comment
Update profile click your name while logged in Redirected to a profile page to set your details

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • $ git clone Bloger Fest

  • $ cd bloger-fest

  • $ touch start.sh to create the start.sh file

    #set your start.sh as follows and remember to gitignore this file
    export SECRET_KEY='<type some gibberish or random hex values>'
    export MAIL_USERNAME='<your email address>'
    export MAIL_PASSWORD='<your email password>'
    python3.6 manage.py server
  • $ python3.6 -m venv virtual to create a virtual environment

  • $ source virtual/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment

  • $ psql to activate the postgres server

  • $ username=create database blogfest create db with the name blogfest

  • run $ python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies

  • $ python3.6 manage.py db init to initialize database migrations

  • $ python3.6 manage.py db migrate -m"your commit" to commit the migration you are running

  • $ python3.6 manage.py db upgrade to set you models in sync with you database

  • In the manage.py change app = create_app('production') to app = create_app('development')

  • Edit config.py the propertie SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@localhost/blogfest' to match you local db credentials where username is the name of your machine(laptop) and password is the password of your db

  • Finally run $ chmod a+x start.sh to make the start.sh file executable

  • $ ./start.sh to start the application

Known Bugs

  • No known Bugs

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Flask
  • Bootstrap
  • Postgres Database
  • CSS
  • HTML


MIT (c) 2019 Brian Sunday