
The application will allow a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers.

Primary LanguagePython




The application will allow a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers.Users can rate the website.View other submissions of other users.A user can delete a submission or update.

User Stories

As a user I would like:

  • View posted projects and their details
  • Post a project to be rated/reviewed
  • Rate/ review other users' projects
  • Search for projects
  • View projects overall score
  • View my profile page


Behavior Input Outcome
Register to be a user Your email : john@doe.com Username : jonDoo Password : doe New user is registered
User Log in Your email : john@doe.com Password : doe Logged in
Create Post Click Add Button Authenticated User is redirected to a form page to create a new post
View Post Click on Post title Redirected to a page that has that single post
Rate a post Fill the form field provided Authenticated user is allowed to make a review
Delete a Post Click Trash Icon Authenticated user i.e owner of the post is prompted to delete
Update a Post Click Update Icon Authenticated user i.e owner of the post is redirected to a form field to update the post
Update profile Click edit profile Pop up modal to update your details

Api EndPoint

If making a local build:

Else from heroku

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • $ git clone prodev

  • $ cd prodev

    #create a .env file
    SECRET_KEY = '<Secret_key>'
    DBNAME = 'prodev2'
    USER = '<username>'
    PASSWORD = '<password>'
    DEBUG = True
    EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
    EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'
    EMAIL_PORT = 587
    EMAIL_HOST_USER = '<your-email>'
    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '<your-password>'
  • $ python3.6 -m venv virtual to create a virtual environment

  • $ source virtual/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment

  • $ psql to activate the postgres server

  • $ username=create database pixels create db with the name prodev2

  • run $ python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies

  • $ python3.6 manage.py makemigrations to initialize database migrations

  • $ python3.6 manage.py migrate to commit the migration you are running

  • $ python3.6 manage.py runserver to run the app

  • open localhost:8000 to view the app

Known Bugs

  • No known Bugs

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6
  • Django 2.2.4
  • Javascript
  • Masonry Grid
  • Bootstrap
  • Postgres Database
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Heroku


MIT (c) 2019 Brian Sunday