- _pages contains some tabs
- _posts contains all news. you can post latest news here.
- 从CSIG公众号上获得新闻,拷贝link
- 在_posts中复制一份template.md,按时间-标题修改文件名
- 修改文件中的标题日期,缩略图,摘要,然后将刚刚拷贝的link放到href中
To serve this jekyll theme make sure your computer meets the following requirements, then run this command.
git clone https://github.com/Sundrops/sundrops.github.io.git
cd sundrops.github.io
sudo apt-get install ruby-full rubygems
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll s
You can change the site configuration in the _config.yml file.
License : MIT Feel free to fork, change, modify and re-use it.