
Grouping the customers into different segments with K Means Clustering

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Customer segmentation is the process of dividing coustomer of any company into different groups where coustoumer of each group tends to have similar characteristics.


RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) analysis is a marketing technique used to understand customer by examining how recently a customer has purchased (recency), how often they purchase (frequency), and how much the customer spends (monetary).


  • Maximize the value of each customer to the business and increase sales.
  • Understand the customers needs and patterns.

Customers were divided into 5 cluster based on elbow method and Silhouette Coefficient Score.

Cluster 0=For some time they haven't transacted and had average frequency.
Cluster 1=It’s been a long time they haven't transacted and used to transact less.
Cluster 2=They transacted recently, do so often and spend more than other customers.
Cluster 3=They transacted recently,and have average frequency.
Cluster 4=It’s been a long time they haven't transacted but had average frequency.