Weekly Challenges

Week 1 - Currently Accepting Solutions.

Challenge: CSV TO JSON

Expiry Date: 22th May 2021

This repository contains all challenges given by the mentors and administrators of IT Students Of Nepal.

You can view all the challenges, past solutions and currently running challenges in this repository.

How to Submit?

You can submit the solution of ongoing challenges only, the solution of already expired challenges will not be accepted in this repository and can also lead to termination of all of your pull requests.

Follow the steps below to submit your solution.

  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Go inside the current week's folder.

  3. Read the challenge description by clicking here. The description will be present in every week's folder as README.md.

  4. Create a new folder with your github username and update your solution there.

  5. Save your changes, commit and push to github.

  6. Do a pull request into our repository with a meaningful message.