
Uboric is the Ultimate Domestic Online Shopping Experience Platform in India. Online shopping with Uboric is quick, convenient and trouble-free.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Uboric MERN-Stack-Clone

Uboric is an online e-commerce website for clothes.

Getting Started

  1. Live Link :- https://statuesque-jelly-f8f754.netlify.app/
  2. Fork this repository https://github.com/Suneet25/Uboric--Clone
  3. Clone the Forked repository.
    • Note: This Clone repository should be on your github account.
  4. navigate to the folder `loyal-elbow-6166
  5. npm install
  6. npm start
  7. To Visit App: http://localhost:3000/

Hello everyone, this is a Readme for the construct week project that has been completed successfully with in a week. It is an individual project.

The Journey:

The Journey so far has been challenging and fun at the same time for me this was my fourth project and the deadline was just a week, it all felt like i was working on a real product, and also i tried to enact the overall activity as the real working climate .I can proudly say that i have successfully completed this project.

Project Details:

I had given a task to make a functional clone website of Uboric.com. Uboric is an online e-commerce website for clothes.

I tried my best to clone the website from scratch based on the knowledge gained from unit-4 of Journey (unit 1–4) at Masai School. I have imparted the majority of functions that the Uboric. 

Built With


  • User can login and signup

  • User can filter and sort the products according to price, brand , and category

  • User can add to cart the product and update the product quantity then updated price will reflect.

  • Home page

    Home1 Home2
  • Sign-Up page

  • Login page

  • Product page

  • Cart page


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • I take all the responsibility for each line of code. The desgin inspire from Clockify.