GuardDuty Alerting Example

Creates a capability to monitor GuardDuty findings and sent alerts.

Sample Alert Flow

Installation Options

Prerequisites For Setup

Alert Log Destination

If this project is deployed in an account that is different from the main account where the Alert System was deployed, we need to add a permission for the account to access the Destination in the main account.

  • Go to the Lambda console of the main account and in the ‘us-east-1’ region

  • Find a function called ‘SungardAS-Alerts- Permission-xxxx’ and configure the test event as below:

    "region": "<region name where this project is deployed>",
    "account": "<account number where this project is deployed>",
    "destinationName": "<destination name defined in main Alert System; 'alertDestination' if not changed>"
  • Run Test to execute this lambda function

Setup using CloudFormation

Prep Lambda Code

  1. Create a ZIP file of the source code files in "src" directory. The files should be in the root of the zip file.

  2. Upload the file to your favorite S3 bucket

Crate CloudFormation Stack

Create a Cloudformation stack using 'GuardDutyMonitor.yaml' using below input values

Input Parameter Values

  • CreateCloudWatchSubscription:

    Select "Yes" to create a CloudWatch Subscription to send alerts to an alerting account. Select "No" if you do not want to enable the Subscription.

  • CloudWatchLogDestinationArn:

    ARN of Cloudwatch Log in remote account where Cloudwatch log subscription will send log info.

  • CloudWatchLogGroupName:

    Name of a local Cloudwatch Log Group where this trigger sends alert messages

  • LambdaTimeout

    Enter a timeout value in seconds for the lambda function. Min is 3, max is 300 and default is 60.

  • LambdaS3Bucket:

    Name of the S3 bucket where the lambda function is stored

  • LambdaS3Key:

    Name of the S3 key of the Lambda function (include the prefix as well)

Sungard Availability Services | Labs

This project is maintained by the Labs group at Sungard Availability Services

