Micro-services to provide various conveniences in managing AWS services
$ make \
-e AWS_REGION=<region> \
-e ACCOUNTS="<accounts whose billing charges will be monitored separated by spaces>"
$ make buildlambda
$ make clean -e AWS_REGION=<region>
AWS micro service to send a notification whenever new alert email is detected.
AWS Lambda functions to manage the AWSConfig Service
AWS micro service to send a notification when the increased percentage of 'EstimatedCharges' exceeds the defined threshold.
A plugin to support static names in Lamdba funtions, lambda invoke permission in SNS topics and role federations
AWS Lambda functions to manage the CloudTrail Service
Libraries shared by projects
CI/CD build jenkins server of this project
Manage Internet Facing and Internal ELB in AWS VPCs
Provision and Manage AWS EC2 Instances
Provision and Manage AWS EBS Volumes
Provision and Manage AWS VPC's with all its contained resources
Utility to validate the sns messages that are received through the HTTP subscriptions. This is the Node.js implementation of the instructions here, http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/SendMessageToHttp.verify.signature.html.
A Lambda function to tag untagged volumes.
This project is maintained by the Labs group at Sungard Availability Services
GitHub: https://sungardas.github.io