Porper Services
API Gateway and Lambda functions to provide the interfaces with Porper
How To Setup a CodePipeline
Template : "./codepipeline.yaml"
Input Parameter Values
GitHubSourceRepositoryOwner: SungardAS
GitHubSourceRepositoryName: aws-services-porper
GitHubSourceRepositoryBranch: master
Access Token for CodeBuild to access to the this Github repository. (See here to find how to generate the access token)
GoogleTokeninfoEndpoint: Endpoint url to confirm Google tokens
GithubAuthEndpoint: Endpoint url to confirm GitHub tokens
GithubApiEndpoint: GitHub API Endpoint url
GithubClientId: GitHub Client Id
GithubClientSecret: GitHub Client Secret
GithubRedirectUri: GitHub Redirect Uri
SlackAuthEndpoint: Endpoint url to confirm Slack tokens
SlackApiEndpoint: Slack API Endpoint url
SlackClientId: Slack Client Id
SlackClientSecret: Slack Client Secret
SlackSlashCommandToken: Slack Token for Slash Command
ReadCapacityUnit: Read Capacity Unit for DynamoDB Tables
WriteCapacityUnit: Write Capacity Unit for DynamoDB Tables
ProjectImage: aws/codebuild/python:2.7.12
Please see './s3.sh' to find out how to prepare the shared bucket (Only need the to do the first one. The second 2 steps are configured during this stack's creation)
After a stack is successfully created, please run 'init_dynamodb.py' to create default groups in 'group' table
This project is maintained by the Labs group at Sungard Availability Services
GitHub: https://sungardas.github.io