
Package, reuse and share particles for CloudFormation projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Package, reuse and share particles for CloudFormation projects


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Condensation provides a framework for building and sharing particles that when packaged together create AWS CloudFormation projects.

Projects are uploaded to S3 and include templates, static assets and/or lambda functions.

Check out all of Condensation's features and see it in action on YouTube.

Quick Start

Get started fast with condensation-docker

$ alias condensation="docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN -v \"$HOME\"/.aws/credentials:/home/condensation/.aws/credentials -v \`pwd\`:/particles --rm -it sungardas/condensation"

$ condensation create project particles-MYPROJECT
$ cd particles-MYPROJECT
$ condensation run build

# Upload to S3
$ condensation run deploy

You can also get started with nodejs

Next become familiar with all of Condensation's tasks



Template Helpers

Handlebars Helpers

AWS Intrinsic Functions

Project Structure

-- guplfile.js
-- README.md
  -- assets
  -- conditions
  -- cftemplates
  -- helpers
  -- mappings
  -- metadata
  -- outputs
  -- parameters
  -- resources
  -- sets
  -- partials

Condensation builds templates with Handlebars helpers that are able to load particles from the local project or from any condensation compatible module added as a npm dependency.

Processing Templates

Condensation will process any template that ends with .hbs

- particles
|- cftemplates
 |- network.template.json.hbs

This allows static templates to be deployed alongside compiled templates

layout support

Instead of including particles within a traditional CloudFormation template use a layout to include particles in any order you wish. They will be added to correct template section during the condensation build process.

Lazy Loading

Particles will only be included in the final distribution if they are referenced in a hbs file.

Config Options

var config = {
  // Array of S3 buckets to deploy to
  s3: [
      // AWS specific options
      aws: {
        region: 'us-east-1',
        bucket: 'my.bucket.in.us-east-1',

      // Run CloudFormation validation during the build task for this bucket
      validate: true,

      // Create this bucket if it does not already exist
      create: true

      // Prefix all objects (allows for multiple deployments to the same bucket
      prefix: '',

      labels: ['east']
  // The prefix to add to all generated gulp tasks (default: 'condensation')
  // An empty string will remove the prefix
  //     - condensation:deploy will become deploy
  taskPrefix: '',

  // Directory that contains the `particles` directory.
  // Used for test scripts, should not be changed if sharing templates
  root: './',

  // Where the build task will put the distribution
  dist: 'dist'

##Front Matter

All particles are first processed with gray-matter to load any default data definitions.


Errors due to badly formed JSON or failed CF validations will stop the process and the offending files will be dumped to condensation_errors



If a project contains condensation.js the file will be loaded as a module and will attement to run the initialize function. If initialize accepts a single argument then only a callback will be provided. If initialize accepts two arguments the project configuration will be passed as the first argument and the callback as the second.

This can be used by a condensation project to bootstrap assets and configuration before template compiling begins.

Example: particles-cloudsploit-scans


Apache-2.0 ©

Maintained By

Sungard Availability Services | Labs

This project is maintained by the Labs team at Sungard Availability Services

GitHub: https://sungardas.github.io

Blog: http://blog.sungardas.com/CTOLabs/