
Config files for my GitHub profile.

Sunil Ratha 🚵‍♀️

println("Triyng to make some cool projects")

I'm a student at the University of Waterloo in Mechatronics Engineering. I am really interested in hardware/embedded desing and programming, machine learning and real time systems.

Languages and Tools














👨‍💻 Progress

I started coding in high school. I had some cool teachers that gave me the freedom to be creative in assignments and let me explore. In high school I started with visual basics, making some GUI apps like a space invaders game. The space invaders game was a super fun project which I did not think someone with my knowledge at the time could make. In the following year, I took two courses with java, one functional programming and the next object-oriented programming. In these two courses, I was able to get a much deeper understanding of programming with the core fundamentals and then data structures and algorithms (Stacks, Queues, Linked lists and trees). In these two classes, I made a room occupancy counter and then a face detection program (the repo exists here). Although I loved programming after high school I decided to pursue a biomedical science degree but, after completing two years I wanted to go back and take engineering in a field where I could access software, hardware and mechanical. So I decided to pursue my passion in tech and transfer to the University of Waterloo Mechatronics Engineering program. Now, I want to apply what I learned about machine learning to projects.