
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a very, very basic app (show results only in console, (almost) no front-end, very basic back-end). The goal of this project is born for my need to learn many words of diferent foreign languages (at the moment english and german) and help me to track my progress over the time to see if I get better on learning new words or not. It would be nice to integrate and develop this app with everyone who wants to contribute (I've only created this in his embrional form) and, of course, add new languages in order to make this app more complete to cover more languages as possible. Due to time lack I've only renamed the english part (before was in italian) and not the german (which has still italian variables and comments, but not for long). Feel free to contribute and improve it. Credits for the words: Vocabeo (German), various lists on the web (English).

Currently Stack: JS (back-end); Future Stack: Anything (all technologies are welcome)