
Maintained fork of gladclef/banwebplus

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Make personal class scheduling simpler.

Example use

The original project is currently in use at https://beanweb.us, but is no longer functional. This version is currently deployed at https://beanweb2.a-bethel.net/index.php.


This project was originally conceived to help New Mexico Tech students create a user schedule. The school's existing website is time-consuming to use. Putting together classes for a schedule was a painstaking process that often took 2-3 hours every semester. Now, it takes 5 minutes.


This project includes a flake.nix file; the recommended way to install it is to import that module as a NixOS module. The following configuration options are provided:

  services.banwebplus2 = {
    enable = true;                       # enable the service
    domainName = "somewhere.xyz";        # `localhost` by default
    timezone = "America/Denver";         # don't normally change this for NMT
    feedbackEmail = "someone@somewhere"; # set this to your e-mail

Navigate to the hosted file /index.php in a web browser; at the moment, it will prompt you to create a root user account (this does not matter at the moment as the account has no privileges and is in fact impossible to log in to), and it will wait for the scraping job to finish (which can take up to 15 minutes).


  • select classes
  • easily view classes that conflict with those you've already selected
  • either log in as a user or a guest
  • guest settings are saved on the local machine
  • view your schedule in a concise overview
  • view a calendar view
  • import calendar into google calendar/outlook calendar/icalendar
  • share schedule with a friend
  • create custom classes
  • share custom classes
  • whitelist or blacklist certain class criteria
  • report bugs/provide feedback
  • multiple semesters, complete with course history
  • scrape data off of the existing NMT website

To do

  • Make all documentation consistent.
  • Figure out how to disable directory listings. (NixOS seems to make this a bit trickier than it need be.)
  • Remove the requirement to have an admin user registered.
  • Re-do all the CSS and assets, both to look more modern and be more maintainable.
  • Either remove user accounts entirely, or implement proper password hashing; until one of these is done, user accounts remain in the system but disabled in the UI.
  • Remove irrelevant features: e.g., bugs and feedback; use GitHub issues and the admin e-mail instead.
  • Modify the overall project organization to avoid the need for the source directory to be mutable; currently, scraped data gets written to $ROOT/scraping, and this directory needs to be mutable for the system to work correctly.
  • Make the project simpler and easier to maintain using a server-side web framework. Probably clean up the database usage using a proper ORM.
  • Add integration with the registrar published course catalog documents: add course descriptions and prerequisites to the GUI. Possibly also add degree requirements to the GUI.