Recipe Management System

About The Project


This project was done by a group of four in the freshmen year on C, as an introduction to working in a team, to produce some result, however small they might be.

The goal of this Project was to answer the following questions:

  • How to view desired recipe according to different categories?
  • How to enable the users to add their own cuisines in the program and save other cuisines for further use?
  • How do we collaborate as a group of four members on the same software? How do we select which features to implement, and which to skip, with regrads to the time constraint set on the project?

Built With

  • C -to develop and create portable software systems


  • Create a new recipe by typing command 'ADD NEW RECIPE'
  • Enter the name of your recipe
  • Enter your username
  • Enter the number of key ingredient and list them to create your delightful recipe
  • Enter the number of key steps and list them
  • Now list your recipe by typing command 'MY RECIPE'
  • You can check insight to other commands by typing 'HELP'
