
A tiny RTOS scheduler demo or embeded processors.

Primary LanguageC


A tiny RTOS scheduler for embedded processors.

Supported devices:
  • ARM Cortex-M3 MCUs (e.g. STMicroelectronics STM32F1 Series)
  • ARM Cortex-M4 MCUs (e.g: STMicroelectronics STM32F4 Series)
  • Other Cortex-M3/M4 MCUs.

And more devices will be supported later.

How to use?

  • Build SchedulerX with your project.
  1. Select target platform *Define platfrom macro before #include "SchedulerX.h" *
//Select target (one of them)
#define SCHRX_STM32F10X    // for Microelectronics STM32f10X series
                              // stm32f10x.h is needed
#define SCHRX_STM32F4XX    // for Microelectronics STM32F4XX series
                              // stm32f4xx.h is needed
#define SCHRX_CORE_M3      // other Cortex-M3 MCUs
                              // core_m3.h is needed
#define SCHRX_CORE_M4      // other Cortex-M4 MCUs
                              // core_m4.h is needed
  1. Compile:
cortex.c SchedulerX.c semaphore.c SchedulerXCoreCortexM.s
  1. Interrupt Setup For STM32 MCUs using official startup files, compile:

For others whose IRQ Vector is readonly, make sure:

is **PendSV** and **SysTick** handler.
  • Use APIs Thread APIs and Scheduler APIs is defined in SchedulerX.h Semaphore APIs is defined in Semaphore.h

API Quick Reference

Scheduler APIs:

  • Create
         Create new scheduler instance.
         _scheduler : pointer to SchedulerX structure.
     SchrXStatus SchrX_Create(SchedulerX *_scheduler);
  • Run
         Start scheduler.
         _scheduler : pointer to SchedulerX structure.
     SchrXStatus SchrX_Run(SchedulerX *_scheduler);

Thread APIs:

  • Create
    Create a new thread.
    _scheduler    : Pointer to scheduler instance.
    _thread       : Pointer to thread instance.
    _entry        : Thread's entry point.
    _user_params  : User params.
    _stack        : Pointer to stack memory.
    _stack_size   : Stack size.
    _control      : Control flags (can be combination of following values)
            SCHRX_CREATE_SUSPEND            Create and susupend the thread.
        Priority (one of them):
            SCHRX_CREATE_LOW_PRIORITY       Low priority
            SCHRX_CREATE_MEDIUM_PRIORITY    Medium priority
            SCHRX_CREATE_HIGH_PRIORTITY     High priority
            SCHRX_CREATE_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY Real time priority
SchrXStatus SchrX_CreateThread(SchedulerX *_scheduler ,SchrX_Thread *_thread , SchrX_ThreadEntry _entry, void* _user_param, void* _stack, size_t _stack_size, Byte _control);
  • Suspend/Resume
       	Suspend a thread.
       SchrXStatus SchrX_SuspendThread(SchrX_Thread *_thread);
           Resume a thread.
       SchrXStatus SchrX_ResumeThread(SchrX_Thread *_thread);

Semaphore APIs:

  • Create
SchrXStatus SchrX_SemaphoreCreate(SchrX_Semaphore *_sem);
  • Post
    _sem         : pointer to semaphore.
    _resource    : resource count.
SchrXStatus SchrX_SemaphorePost(SchrX_Semaphore *_sem, uint32_t _resource);
  • Wait
SchrXStatus SchrX_SemaphoreWait(SchrX_Semaphore *_sem);
  • Destroy
SchrXStatus SchrX_SemaphoreDestroy(SchrX_Semaphore *_sem);

Just a beginning. Have fun :)