
🎉 A consistent, modular, and performant JavaScript utility library.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


lodash-ts is a consistent, modular, and high-performance JavaScript library.

Implement the typescript version of lodash.


  • 🎉 Build by Vite:Really fast
  • 📝 TypeScript:JavaScript With Syntax For Types
  • ⚡️ PNPM:Faster, disk space saving package management tool
  • 🔥 Vitest: A Vite-native unit test framework. It's fast!
  • 🔨 unplugin-auto-import: Auto import APIs on-demand for Vite, Webpack and Rollup



✅ difference

✅ differenceBy

✅ differenceWith

✅ drop

✅ dropRight

✅ dropWhile

✅ dropRightWhile

✅ flatten

✅ flattenDeep

✅ flattenDepth

✅ intersection

✅ intersectionBy

✅ intersectionWith

✅ isArguments

✅ isArrayLike

✅ isArrayLikeObject

✅ isLength

✅ isObjectLike

✅ last

✅ slice

✅ take

✅ takeRight

✅ takeRightWhile

✅ takeWhile

✅ unzip

✅ unzipWith

✅ zip

✅ without

✅ xor

✅ xorBy

✅ xorWith

✅ zipObject

✅ zipObjectDeep

✅ zipWith








Git commit specification reference

  • feat add new functions
  • fix Fix issues/bugs
  • perf Optimize performance
  • style Change the code style without affecting the running result
  • refactor Re-factor code
  • revert Undo changes
  • test Test related, does not involve changes to business code
  • docs Documentation and Annotation
  • chore Updating dependencies/modifying scaffolding configuration, etc.
  • workflow Work flow Improvements
  • ci CICD
  • types Type definition
  • wip In development