
This is a template to generate static websites. To get started:

  1. run "npm install"
  2. run "grunt build"

And then when you're ready to start development, run "grunt watch"

  • You should be coding the HTML in the /pages folder. The quiz should be written into pages/index.html.
  • You'll be able to use partials, that are located in the /include folder. You can see how the partials are used in the pages/index.html file.
  • For scripts, if you need to run anything on document.ready, you can input that in scripts/script.js
  • For CSS, you can add the actual styling within the /styles folder using SCSS format ("_[filename].scss") and then include that SCSS file into syles/style.scss
  • To actually view the website, you can open deploy/index.html in your browser.
  • All fonts and images will be placed in the deploy/fonts and deploy/images folders.