
Lyrics Analyzer

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Lyrics Analyzer

To Do;

  • NLP

    • Download any set of lyrics/discography from one artist (Kanye: https://www.kaggle.com/slickwilly/kanye-west-discography)
    • EDA
      • Create a list of questions to answer?
        • What are the most used words? Themes?
        • Artists favourite car? Designer brand? Food?
        • Number of unique words? Vocabulary?
        • Similies? Like/as usage
        • Length? Number of words in the track? Normalize over time? (words/min)?
    • Predict and validate
      • Create a song?
      • Predict what theme is based off verses/choruses?
  • Application

References: General Sentiment Analysis https://medium.com/@kellylougheed/coding-english-lit-natural-language-processing-in-python-ba8ebae4dde3 Sentiment Analysis for Lyrics https://kvsingh.github.io/lyrics-sentiment-analysis.html