
Project 4 of General Assembly Class

Primary LanguageRuby

The +Side

Some good news gif

Project Planning

Baby Yoda gif


The +Side is a positivity blog that alternates between a personalized gratitude post/daily positive journal and a good news article. Users can sign up for an account, sign in, post a blog article/gratitude piece, and add postive news article links. They can also edit these posts and delete them. Beyond this, users can comment on blog posts and news articles. The +Side is built using React front-end and Ruby on Rails back-end. Look at the + side of life!


  • Sign up
  • Sign in
  • + blog post
  • + news article
  • Editing and deletion of posts
  • Comments section
  • Rails Backend (API)
  • React Frontend
  • Authentication
  • At least 3 related models (User plus two others)
  • At least 1 association (one-to-many, many-to-many)
  • Full CRUD (can be spread between models)
  • Flexbox/Grid
  • Nicely styled, ready for your portfolio, and ready to show employees! (encouraged to use style libraries, Bulma, etc.)
  • Deployed on Surge/Heroku
  • Robust commit history (at least 5/day)
  • Code must be correctly indented and well styled (e.g., AirBnB Style Guide)
  • Remove console logs

Post-MVP Goals

  • Search Bar
  • Inspirational Quotes API
  • 404 Page
  • Likes/Dislikes


Marvel: (https://marvelapp.com/aced9gb/screen/67892523)



Sign Up

Sign Up Screen

Sign In

Sign In Screen

User View

User View

Create Blog Post & Add News Articles

Create Posts

Edit/Delete Blog Post & News Articles

Edit and Delete Blog Posts and News Articles

Component Hierarchy

|__ Container/
      |__ Hompage.jsx
      |__ Header.jsx
      |__ Navigation.jsx
      |__ Footer.jsx
      |__ Sign_Up.jsx
      |__ Sign_In.jsx
      |__ User_Feed.jsx
            |__ Create_Blog_Post.jsx
            |__ Edit_Blog_Post.jsx          
            |__ Delete_Blog_Post.jsx
            |__ Add_News_Article.jsx
            |__ Edit_News_Article.jsx
            |__ Delete_News_Article.jsx

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

Entity Relationship Diagram

Component Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Actual Time
Wireframe H 2 hrs 2 hrs
Initial Readme file H 5 hrs 10 hrs
Backend Authentication H 8 hrs 7 hrs
Backend Models H 8 hrs 8 hrs
API routes H 5 hrs 4 hrs
Frontend Auth & Links H 3 hrs 6 hrs
Article & Post CRUD H 9 hrs 16 hrs
Header(styling) M 3 hrs 4 hrs
Footer L 2 hrs 1 hr
Comments CRUD M 4 hrs 4 hrs
Overall styling H 12 hrs 10 hrs
Final Readme file H 2 hrs 1 hr
TOTAL 73 hrs TBD

Libraries and API Endpoint Documentation

Library Description
Rails Documentation Ruby on Rails Library.
React Router React Router Library.
CSS Tricks For help while styling web app.
Universal Inspirational Quotes API Third party API used to render quotes into homepage on app.
StackOverflow For help while writing functional and class components.
Unsplash For wireframing and main header photo.
GIPHY For videos used on Readme, loading spinner, and 404 page.
Surge For deployment of front-end of web app.
Heroku For deployment of back-end of web app.

Technologies Used

-Marvel App

List of Server-Side Routes

Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
auth_login POST /auth/login(.:format) authentication#login
auth_verify GET /auth/verify(.:format) authentication#verify
users GET /users(.:format) users#index
POST /users(.:format) users#create
user GET /users/:id(.:format) users#show
PATCH /users/:id(.:format) users#update
PUT /users/:id(.:format) users#update
DELETE /users/:id(.:format) users#destroy
news_article_comments GET /news_articles/:news_article_id/news_article_comments(.:format) news_article_comments#index
POST /news_articles/:news_article_id/news_article_comments(.:format) news_article_comments#create
news_article_comment GET /news_articles/:news_article_id/news_article_comments/:id(.:format) news_article_comments#show
PATCH /news_articles/:news_article_id/news_article_comments/:id(.:format) news_article_comments#update
PUT /news_articles/:news_article_id/news_article_comments/:id(.:format) news_article_comments#update
DELETE /news_articles/:news_article_id/news_article_comments/:id(.:format) news_article_comments#destroy
news_articles GET /news_articles(.:format) news_articles#index
POST /news_articles(.:format) news_articles#create
news_article GET /news_articles/:id(.:format) news_articles#show
PATCH /news_articles/:id(.:format) news_articles#update
PUT /news_articles/:id(.:format) news_articles#update
DELETE /news_articles/:id(.:format) news_articles#destroy
blog_post_comments GET /blog_posts/:blog_post_id/blog_post_comments(.:format) blog_post_comments#index
POST /blog_posts/:blog_post_id/blog_post_comments(.:format) blog_post_comments#create
blog_post_comment GET /blog_posts/:blog_post_id/blog_post_comments/:id(.:format) blog_post_comments#show
PATCH /blog_posts/:blog_post_id/blog_post_comments/:id(.:format) blog_post_comments#update
PUT /blog_posts/:blog_post_id/blog_post_comments/:id(.:format) blog_post_comments#update
DELETE /blog_posts/:blog_post_id/blog_post_comments/:id(.:format) blog_post_comments#destroy
blog_posts GET /blog_posts(.:format) blog_posts#index
POST /blog_posts(.:format) blog_posts#create
blog_post GET /blog_posts/:id(.:format) blog_posts#show
PATCH /blog_posts/:id(.:format) blog_posts#update
PUT /blog_posts/:id(.:format) blog_posts#update
DELETE /blog_posts/:id(.:format) blog_posts#destroy
(custom route) POST /users/:user_id/news_articles(.:format) news_articles#create_by_user
(custom route) POST /users/:user_id/blog_posts(.:format) blog_posts#create_by_user

SWOT Analysis

Strengths going into the project include my design skills and thoroughness in completion of projects. I pride myself on being very detail-oriented. Weaknesses and opportunities include re-learning how functions and classes are written in react. Threats include breaking of auth and back-end code, which I can anticipate for with my task time estimates and reach out to my resources during the project.

Happy Star gif

Project Delivery

Happy Bouncing Parrot

Wooo! Project is complete and graduation is around the corner!!

Link to deployed site:

Surge(front-end): (http://the-plus-side.surge.sh/)

Heroku(Back-end): (https://the-plus-side.herokuapp.com/)

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone repository down with 'git clone https://github.com/Sunnydayz77/the-plus-side.git'
  2. CD into repository
  3. Run 'bundle install'
  4. Run 'rails db:create'
  5. Run 'rails db:migrate'
  6. Run 'rails db:seed'
  7. Run 'rails server' on 'http://localhost:3000/'
  8. Create new terminal tab with 'command' + 't' on mac
  9. CD in to client folder
  10. Run 'npm install'
  11. Run 'npm start' on 'http://localhost:3001/'

Helper Functions

Function Description
Footer Footer function with links.

Code Showcase

// Function to add a comment to an article
addCommentToArticle = async (articleItem) => {
  const newComment = await addCommentToArticle(articleItem.id, { content: this.state.selectedComment, news_article_id: articleItem.id });
  const news_article_comments = this.state.articleItem.news_article_comments;
  this.setState(prevState => 
    ({ articleItem: { ...prevState.articleItem, news_article_comments } })

Code Issues & Resolutions

Error Resolution
seeds.rb:27: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: User must exist Needed to create a user association in seed file (user: user1)
App.js:8: TypeError: Cannot set property 'props' of undefined Had extra parentheses in "class App extends Component () {" in top app.js file
App.js:51: TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined Needed to have { withRouter } imported for this.props.history.push to work
createError.js:16: Uncaught( in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 422 Created a custom route, re-did the addArticle function, and removed formData from this.setState

Link to deployed site (for quick reference while scrolling through readme file):

Surge(front-end): (http://the-plus-side.surge.sh/)

Heroku(Back-end): (https://the-plus-side.herokuapp.com/)