#_{Friday Project Number 1 - Porfolio}

{This project combines beginner level CSS/HTML practice for Epicodus week 1}

By {Becket Harvey}

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • VSCode
  • Git Bash
  • Bootstrap


  • {This project features an HTML page that gives a little bit of info about me as a person, as well as linking to several different projects completed during my first week at Epicodus! It features the use of a number of different box-model tools, some cool grid layouts, and a few tags to familiarize myself with the languages used} link to git pages: https://sunshinepunch.github.io/Friday-Project/

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • A browser capable of operating in the last 10 years

Known Bugs

  • None I can find, but if you do be sure to hit me up and let me know!


{MIT} I ain't responsible for nuffin bad happens when you what use this

Contact Information