{Friday Project Number 4 - Porfolio}

{This project combines beginner level CSS/HTML and Javascript with jQuery for Epicodus week 4}

By {Becket Harvey}

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap


  • _This project is a fake pizza website that utilizes constructors and prototypes to calculate a prize based off a number of potential topping options and sizes.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • A browser is all that is required. Simply run the index.html file and ORDER YOUR PIZZA!


There is no accessibility added for sight impaired users, but functionality will be updated once I learn how!

Known Bugs

  • None I can find, but if you do be sure to hit me up and let me know!


{MIT} This is open source for anyone to use and I am not responsible for any problems resulting from its use or implementation

Contact Information

  • Find me on Github under SunshinePunch!