_{Friday Week 8 - Store Vendor System}

By {Becket Harvey}

Technologies Used

C# .NET 5 NuGet ASP.NET Core Entity Framework Core MySql MySql Workbench

Description This project instructs the user to make a database for a fictional hair salon to track hair stylists and clients. They can then utilize MySql and the Entity Framework Core to add/edit/delete clients and stylists in an MVC application in order to experiment with database commands!

Setup/Installation Requirements

-Download and install .NET 5 (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0)

-Download a text code editor (VS Code is my preferred choice)

-Download install and complete setup for MySql Community Server and MySql Workbench (https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/file/?id=484914)

Open the HairSalon.Solutions folder in your preferred text editor To install required packages, navigate to the terminal and type the following commands: dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -v 5.0.0 dotnet add package Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql -v 5.0.0-alpha.2 dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Proxies -v 5.0.0 Create a file named "appsettings.json" in the HairSalon directory add the following code to the appsettings.json file: { "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=brandon_eads;uid=root;pwd=[YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE];" } } replace [YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE] with your unique MySql password Launch the MySql server: In the terminal, run the command "$ mySql -uroot -p[YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE]", replacing [YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE] with your unique MySql password To Import the required database: Open MySql Workbench Select your preferred server(default is root) In the "Navigator > Administration" window, select "Data Import/ Restore" In "Import Options", select "Import From Self-Contained File" Navigate to "HairSalon.Solutions/brandon_eads.sql" in the search input Under "Default Schema to be Imported to" select the "New" button Enter "brandon_eads" and click "OK" Navigate to the "Import Progress" tab and click "Start Import" in the bottom right corner of the window Reopen the "Navigator>Schemas" tab, Right click and select "refresh all" to see the imported database To Restore, build, and run the project: Navigate to the HairSalon.Solutions/HairSalon folder in the command line or terminal Run the command "dotnet restore" to restore the project dependencies Run the command "dotnet build" to build and compile the project Run the command "dotnet run" to build and compile the project

Known Bugs

  • Email if you find any!


{MIT} This is open source for anyone to use and I am not responsible for any problems resulting from its use or implementation

Contact Information

  • Find me on Github under SunshinePunch!