_{Friday Week 7 - Bakery}

Description This project allows a user to run a small order calculator for a bakery in the console

By {Becket Harvey}

Technologies Used

*C# *.NET Framework

Setup/Installation Requirements

Download the repo and open a command console app within the appropriate directory:

For Testing: You will need to run dotnet build out of the Bakery.Tests directory followed by dotnet test when seeking to test functionality within the program

For Running: Navigate to the Bakery directory (not bakery.solutions, go deeper) and run dotnet run. This will launch the program within the console command app of your choice.

Known Bugs

  • Email if you find any!


{MIT} This is open source for anyone to use and I am not responsible for any problems resulting from its use or implementation

Contact Information

  • Find me on Github under SunshinePunch!