A API which it making sound easily and simple for PocketMine API4!
Simplified coding as easier on your plugin that you are develop it!
First of all, to add your sound, you need to import SoundAPI class like this:
use SunshroomChan/SoundAPI/SoundAPI;
- Add sound
To add custom sound so you just doing this:
SoundAPI::getInstance()->addSound($player, 'what sound if you want', $pitch = random nunber, $volume);
SoundAPI::getInstance()->addSound($player, 'note.hat' <= this sound you can get it on internet, 1 <= this number is sound pitch, 4 <==== this number is volume of the sound);
- Stop sound
If you want to stop sound, just easily doing this:
SoundAPI::getInstance()->stopSound($player, 'same as add sound', true(false) <= it use for stop all sound);