
A simple video surveillance single-page application for reading webrtc streams from mediamtx

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Cameras — a simple video surveillance single-page application for reading webrtc streams from mediamtx

Sign in Vertical orientation Horizontal orientation


It is implied that:

  1. You have properly functioning hosting with reachable domain https://example.com .
  2. You have already configured mediamtx and it is possible to read streams by visiting https://www.example.com:8889/stream .


  1. Upload contents of build folder to https://example.com/cameras/ .
  2. Restrict access to https://example.com/cameras/restricted/ via http authentication .
  3. Configure file https://example.com/cameras/restricted/cameras.json :
    • caption - will be displayed on application's header.
    • host - specifies domain and port where mediamtx server is run.
    • streams - array of arrays of streams where
      • caption specifies stream caption for humans
      • stream-name specifies stream name on mediamtx server
      • material-icon specifies stream icon from Material Icons collection.
      • in addition you can rotate stream display clockwise or counterclockwise providing fourth element like {"rotate":90} or {"rotate":-90}.
  4. Edit files https://example.com/cameras/restricted/index.php and https://example.com/cameras/auth.php: replace your_secret_key_should_be_here by your own private secret key (should be equal for both files).
  5. In your mediamtx.yml find parameter authHTTPAddress and set there the link https://example.com/cameras/auth.php.