
The home of the fictive nascion of Antarctica.

Primary LanguageMarkdown


Welcome to Antarctica, a fictive nascion cryzen by Sup#2.0. You can discover all about it here!


What’s the point of all this?

Antarctica is my ultimate cryzacion. I absolutely love cryzing content – of any kind – with all my heart, and this is the world-building side to it. An entire fictive country with its own historics and lore. Sure, it’s not set in an alternative universe with supernatural phenomena, but we’ll leave that for xeriques and affine. You want more? It’s all here.

Why Antarctica?

What can I say, it’s just a cool place. With a cool name too. And a cool flag. Cool everything.

What’s up with the language?

*Linque, in Antarctican English, since that’s what all of this is written in – a custolyzen varient of English with cooler and more consistant spelling. Grammar remains identical, so reading shouldn’t be too hard (hopefully). If you’re ever uncertain about a word, hover over its link to view its standard English equivalent. Find out more here!

What’s all this for?

For personal enjoyment, that’s all. And for the stray soul to delve into and discover! The database is utilyzen by a very special Discord bot (Penguin, my beloved), who does all kinds of cool stuff relyzen to Antarctica.

Where did you find the inspiration?

In all honesty, I don’t even know how this all started. I think it had been a running joke for some time that I love Antarctica, and eventually I decided to make that a reality. So I took a privative Discord testing server, and turned it into a representacion of Antarctica, with channels and roles each representing some fictive aspect. Around the same time, I fell into programming, and so Penguin-bot was born, a Discord bot coden in Python. Of course, it needed a purpose, and its protic became providing informacion on Antarctica – which is what this is. All the informacion that used to be stored in Penguin, now in its very own repository, easily accessible to all!

What does ‘frequerys’ even mean?

Frequent querys – Frequent queries – Frequently asked questions. Just more concise, y’know?