
A simple GUI fontsize handling plugin for Neovim

Primary LanguageLua


fontsize is a simple lua plugin for neovim that adds Commands to change the GUI font size on-the-fly.


With packer:

use 'Sup3Legacy/fontsize.nvim'

With Plug:

Plug 'Sup3Legacy/fontsize.nvim'

Using fontsize


        -- Required argument
        font = "Fira Code, Nerd Font",

        -- Optional arguments
        min = 6,
        default = 10,
        max = 24,
        step = 1,

The defaults are the following:

local defaults = {
    min = 6,
    default = 8,
    max = 20,
    step = 1


When properly initialized, fontsize defines a few commands:

  • FontIncrease: to increase the GUI font size by step
  • FontDecrease: to decrease it by step
  • FontReset: to reset the font size to the default value

*line integration

require('fontsize').indicator is a function that outputs a string representing the current fontsize. It can be used as a field in e.g. lualine.