
Electron cash cash-shuffle plugin

Primary LanguagePython


CashShuffle is a plugin for the Electron Cash BCH wallet. The version of Electron Cash should be not less then 3.1.2 .It allows users to make shuffled transactions using CoinJoin.

WARNING: THIS IS PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE. This has been made available to provide feedback and review!


Ubuntu users can install using the following command. This command will install the latest version of Electron Cash with CashShuffle in your home directory.

cd ~/ && wget https://electroncash.org/downloads/3.0/win-linux/ElectronCash-3.0.tar.gz && tar -xvzf ElectronCash-3.0.tar.gz && rm -rf ElectronCash-3.0.tar.gz && wget https://github.com/cashshuffle/cashshuffle-electron-cash-plugin/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip && rm -rf master.zip && mv cashshuffle-electron-cash-plugin-master/shuffle 'Electron Cash-3.0/plugins' && rm -rf cashshuffle-electron-cash-plugin-master && sed -i "s/'electroncash_plugins.virtualkeyboard',/'electroncash_plugins.virtualkeyboard', 'electroncash_plugins.shuffle',/" 'Electron Cash-3.0/setup.py' && cd 'Electron Cash-3.0' && sudo python3 setup.py install

Otherwise, use the following instructions:

  1. Place the shuffle folder cashshuffle-electron-cash-plugin-master/shuffle into the Electron Cash plugins folder Electron Cash-3.0/plugins
  2. Open the setup.py file Electron Cash-3.0/setup.py and find the line that contains the text


Replace this text with

'electroncash_plugins.virtualkeyboard', 'electroncash_plugins.shuffle',

  1. cd into your Electron Cash directory, and re-install

sudo python3 setup.py install

Getting started

  1. Enable the plugin by going to Tools -> Plugins


The shuffle tab will appear

  1. Close the settings dialog window. The shuffle tab will appear

Server settings

Making a shuffle

  1. Choose server from servers list

  2. Use Shuffle input address to choose coin which you want to shuffle. This list of coins is formed from the UTXO's of your wallet.

  3. From Shuffle change address choose the address for your change. You can leave this as the default setting if you want to use input address as change address. If you wish to use change addresses which not been used before check the use only fresh change aderesses checkbox.

  4. From Shuffle output address choose the address for the shuffled output.

  5. In the amount block, choose the amount of coins for shuffling.

  6. Fee is fixed and unchanged.

  7. If the amount of coins in input is greater than the sum of the shuffling amount fee, then the Shuffle button will become enabled

  8. Pressing Shuffle will start the shuffling process. After 5 participants registered on the server, the shuffling process will begin.

  9. Press Cancel if you wish to cancel the protocol evaluation. It can take a few seconds to proceed.

  10. If all goes well, you will see the outputs and a transaction dialog window. If something goes wrong you will see the errors in the output.

  11. In this version of protocol, one of the participants should press broadcast on the transaction dialog window.

Configuring servers servers list

List of servers placed in file shuffle/servers.json

If you want to add your server to the list follow the next structure:

     "port" : 31415,
     "ssl": true

port value should be integer value of your server port and ssl should be boolean value of ssl support.

Running a shuffling bot

You can run a shuffling bot for supporting of shuffling process. Bot is a simple python script which is looking at the selected cashshuffle server to see if it is a some players in the pool. If it finds a players it also run cahsshuffle protocol clients for mixing.

If you want to run the bot you need to install schedule module first:

pip install schedule

Then you should run the bot itself. Do it from electron-cash root directory:

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py -S cashshuffle_server_name -P cashshuffle_port_number -I cashshuffle_info_port -W path_to_wallet 

Here cashshuffle_server_name is a cashshuffle server address. It should not contain protocol prefix like http:// or https://. It also should not contain port srecifications like :3000 or so. Specify the port numbers with cashshuffle_port_number and cashshuffle_info_port parameters. path_to_wallet is a path in the system where the wallet is. Here is how it can look like

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py -S cashshuffle.server.name -P 8080 -I 8081 -W my_wallet 

It means we run a bot to support shuffling on the http://cashshuffle.server.name:8080 server, which use port number 8081 for information and wallet with name my_wallet is placed in the electron-cash root

Specifying the server parameters

Cashshuffle server can be run with ssl suport. You should use --ssl key to specify it:

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py --ssl -S cashshuffle_server_name -P cashshuffle_port_number -I cashshuffle_info_port -W path_to_wallet 

Here is an example:

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py --ssl -S cashshuffle.server.name -P 8080 -I 8081 -W my_wallet 

Specifying the testnet/mainnet

If you want to try it on testnet use --testnet key. Here is an example:

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py --testnet -S cashshuffle.server.name -P 8080 -I 8081 -W my_wallet 

By default it operates on the mainnet.

Specifying the pool parameters

You can set up the minimum number of players in the pool to support it with -L key. You can also set up the maximum number of players to support the mixing with -M key. And you can specify the fee value with -F key. Here is an example:

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py  -S cashshuffle.server.name -P 8080 -I 8081 -W my_wallet -L 1 -M 2 -F 1000

It means we run bot which enters the mixing only if there is at least one player in the pool, and the bot can add 2 players maximum to the pool, and fee is set to be 1000 satoshi. By default this values are 1 fro L and M key and 1000 for F key.

Specifying the wallet password

If your wallet is encrypteed (highly recomended!) you should specify the password with --password key. Here is an example:

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py  -S cashshuffle.server.name -P 8080 -I 8081 -W my_wallet --password pwd

Here in example we set the password to be pwd. If you missed this key bot will raise an error.

Specifying the pending period

You can set up how often should bot check for someone in the pool for mixing. This value is in minutes. Here is an example:

python3 plugins/shuffle/bot.py  -S cashshuffle.server.name -P 8080 -I 8081 -W my_wallet -T 2

In this example we specifying 2 minutes pending period. It is 10 minutes by default.