
DeepMusicLab aims to integrate an artificial intelligence driven music service

MIT LicenseMIT


DeepMusicLab aims to integrate an artificial intelligence driven music service, facilitating ease of deployment and integration for developers and music enthusiasts alike. This platform serves as a comprehensive toolkit for exploring and applying cutting-edge music AI technologies, offering functionalities such as automatic music tagging, style identification, sentiment analysis, and recommendation systems.

Core Features

Music Feature Extraction

  • Automated extraction of key musical features including tempo, pitch, and harmony.

Music Genre Recognition

  • Application of deep learning models to identify and classify various music genres and styles.

Sentiment Analysis

  • Analysis of the emotional content of music to support personalized music recommendations and curated playlists.

Music Recommendation System

  • Intelligent music suggestions based on user preferences and musical characteristics.

Music Generation

  • Utilization of AI algorithms to generate new musical pieces or melodies.

Integration and Deployment

  • Provision of straightforward APIs and tools for seamless integration into existing applications.
  • Support for diverse deployment options, including cloud and on-premises servers.

Application Scenarios

  • Music Apps: Enhance the intelligence of music players with advanced recommendation features.
  • Music Production: Assist music producers in creating new tracks or remixes.
  • Music Education: Provide tools for music theory teaching and melody composition.
  • Music Analysis: Offer in-depth analytical tools for music researchers.

Technology Stack

  • Deep Learning Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch
  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript (Node.js)
  • Databases: SQLite, MongoDB
  • API Interface: RESTful API

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions in any form, including code, documentation, and design suggestions. Please refer to our Contribution Guidelines to learn how to get involved.

Open Source License

DeepMusicLab is open-source software, released under the MIT License.


Our gratitude goes to all developers and users who have contributed to the DeepMusicLab project.