My Products Wordpress Plugin Documentation

This plugin shows products from the woocommerce plugin into a new page and has the following shortcodes:

[my_random_products] : This shortcode activates the plugin functions in order to display products

[my options page] : This page can be accessed from the wp-admin side menu and it can control the quantity of diplayed products

Plugin Requirements:

1- License: GPL-2.0+

2- PHP version 5.3 (already installed in wordpress).

How to Install Plugin:

You can go to plugin sections in wordpress and download it but we didn't publish it yet :), other than that you can follow the following instructions:

1- Clone the plugin files from github.

2- Put the whole folder in this particular folder (C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins) or in youur htdocs where you store your wordpress project with the following extension (wordpress\wp-content\plugins).

3- Go to the plugins page after you start your project and then you will see the plugin installed and waiting to be activated.

4- Enjoy the plugin :) .

Search Documentation:

I used the following search articles and refereces in order to get it done:

beaver_builder Udemy_PHP_Course Udemy_Wordpres_Plugin_Design_Course Wordpress_codex_plugin Wordpress_codex_options_page Wordpress_plugin_API Stackoverflow_question Creating a Wordpres Plugin W3Schools Stackoverflow_question Html Tags Html Anchor link wp_upload_dir codex wp_upload_dir other wp_global_variables $wpdb_global_variable plugin_dir_path wp_die query_monitor wp_upload_dir full specification WP_Qurey functions WP_Meta_Query get_query_var WP_Query woocommerce API retrieve a product wp_get_attachment_img_src

This plugin can work on any host not just the local host

If you have any questions feel free to ask me directly :D