Nuxt module for Stripe

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Nuxt module for application using stripe.


This Nuxt module provides an easy way to integrate Stripe in your Nuxt application, both on the client-side and server-side. It utilizes the official stripe package for server-side usage and @stripe/stripe-js for the client-side.

Server-side usage

The module provides a useServerStripe function to create a Stripe instance on the server-side. This instance can be used to interact with the Stripe API.


import { defineEventHandler } from 'h3'
import { useServerStripe } from '#stripe/server'

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  const stripe = await useServerStripe(event)"Stripe instance:", stripe)

  return {
    version: stripe.VERSION

Client-side usage

On the client-side, you can use the useClientStripe function to get a Stripe instance. This instance can be used in pages or plugins.

Use stripe inside pages or plugins


  <h1>Nuxt Stripe instance</h1>
    {{ stripe }}

<script setup lang="ts">
// Import the function in your component or page
import { useClientStripe } from '@unlok-co/nuxt-stripe'

// Call the function to get the Stripe instance
const stripe = useClientStripe()

// Use the Stripe instance to interact with the stripe.js library
// stripe.redirectToCheckout(...)

Quick Setup

  1. Add @unlok-co/nuxt-stripe dependency to your project
# Using pnpm
pnpm add -D @unlok-co/nuxt-stripe

# Using yarn
yarn add --dev @unlok-co/nuxt-stripe

# Using npm
npm install --save-dev @unlok-co/nuxt-stripe
  1. Add @unlok-co/nuxt-stripe to the modules section of nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [


Stripe keys can be added to the .env file...


...or to the Nuxt configuration file:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  stripe: {
    // Server
    apiKey: 'sk_test_123', // required
    apiVersion: '2022-11-15', // optional, default is '2022-11-15'
    // Client
    publishableKey: 'pk_test_123', // required

We highly recommend you put your production keys in your .env file to avoid committing them


Initial step: Clone this repository

# Install dependencies
yarn install
npm install

# Generate type stubs
yarn dev:prepare
npm run dev:prepare

# Develop with the playground
yarn dev
npm run dev

# Build the playground
yarn dev:build
npm run dev:build

# Run ESLint
yarn lint
npm run lint

# Run Vitest
yarn test
yarn test:watch
npm run test
npm run test:watch

# Release new version
yarn release
npm run release

Nuxt 2

Disclaimer! Nuxt 2's end-of-life is planned for 31st Dec, 2023. The following stripe module is only for nuxt 2 purpose and does not cover server side: