ToughLove Bot

A discord bot written to assist with Potential Central's ToughLove program.

Current Features

  1. Accept Applications for ToughLove

Planned Features



  1. Node.js 16.9.0 or newer
  2. Redis
  3. A discord bot token

Discord Bot Setup

  1. Visit and create a 'New Application'
  2. Add A 'Bot' to this application from the 'Settings' menu on the left.
  3. Copy/save the token from this page.
  4. From the 'Settings' menu click on Oauth2 -> URL Generator.
  5. In the 'Scopes' section select 'bot' and 'applications.commands'
  6. In the 'Bot Permissions' section select all 'Text Permissions'
  7. Copy the 'Generated URL' at the bottom and visit that URL to invite the bot to your server.


The bot requires the following environment variables set

DISCORD_TOKEN - The Discord bot application token obtained in the Discord Bot Setup section.

GUILD_ID - The ID of your server (

ROLE_ID - The ID of the Role which has access to 'admin' commands

BUGSNAG_API_KEY (optional) - API Key for Bugsnag error tracking

Deploying with Docker

  1. Create a .env file (env.sample provided) and make sure the above environment variables are set.

  2. Run docker-compose up to build the containers.

Post deployment one-time setup

  1. Run docker-compose run bot node deploy_commands.js once to Register the application commands with discord


To build and run the bot in a development environment:

  1. Clone the code and run npm install to fetch dependencies.
  2. Create a .env file and set it up with the above config entries.
  3. Run node index.js to start the bot.
  4. Run node deploy_commands.js to register Application Commands with discord