- Windows User: How to Set Up Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ Toolchain on Windows with VS Code
- Linux User: Quick-start your own project
- OSX User: Getting started with Pi Pico(Chapter 9.1)
- Clone code to your PC with
git clone git@git.uni-due.de:embedded-systems/lab-cps/pcb-test-code.git
alternatively, you can also clone it via https
git clone https://git.uni-due.de/embedded-systems/lab-cps/pcb-test-code.git
- Switch to the branch for ES.Session 2:
git checkout board-test
Switch to the branch for ES.Session 3:
git checkout data-processing
Switch to the branch for ES.Session 4:
git checkout speech-detection
- Create a new folder named with build, and change directory to build folder. e.g,
mkdir build
cd build
- Call cmake and specify the buildings system:
# For windows users
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
# For OSX and Linux
cmake ..
- Now you can either build all test program with:
make -j4
or build a single one with:
make -j4 test_sht31
- To clean the build before you build again, you would use:
make clean
- connect the device to your computersss
- press and hold the BOOT button
- press the RESET button
- release the BOOT button
- copy the hardware_test.uf2 file to the device
- open a serial connection to the device (i.e. via