How to setup the environment?

  1. Windows User: How to Set Up Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ Toolchain on Windows with VS Code
  2. Linux User: Quick-start your own project
  3. OSX User: Getting started with Pi Pico(Chapter 9.1)

Clone code and switch to the corresponding branch

  1. Clone code to your PC with ssh(recommended):
git clone

alternatively, you can also clone it via https:

git clone
  1. Switch to the branch for ES.Session 2:
git checkout board-test

Switch to the branch for ES.Session 3:

git checkout data-processing

Switch to the branch for ES.Session 4:

git checkout speech-detection

How to build all the test program

  1. Create a new folder named with build, and change directory to build folder. e.g,
mkdir build
cd build
  1. Call cmake and specify the buildings system:
# For windows users
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..

# For OSX and Linux
cmake ..
  1. Now you can either build all test program with:
make -j4

or build a single one with:

make -j4 test_sht31
  1. To clean the build before you build again, you would use:
make clean

How to flash the device

  1. connect the device to your computersss
  2. press and hold the BOOT button
  3. press the RESET button
  4. release the BOOT button
  5. copy the hardware_test.uf2 file to the device
  6. open a serial connection to the device (i.e. via screen or Putty)