Minimal service client cookbook recipes

This package contains a few strategies to create service clients. The client recipe shows how to request data from a service with a blocking call. The client_async recipe shows how to request data from a service with a non blocking call. The user has to check if a response has been received in the main loop The client_async_member_function recipe is analog to client_async but sends the request inside a MinimalClient class


source ./install/setup.bash
ros2 run lidar_client client

(For windows) Bind usbport to wsl

Run cmd with administrator mode.

usbipd list

alt text

usbipd bind --busid 2-1
usbipd attach --wsl --busid 2-1

Run ydlidar_ros2_driver

Run ydlidar_ros2_driver using launch file

The command format is :

ros2 launch ydlidar_ros2_driver [launch file].py

  1. Connect LiDAR uint(s).

    ros2 launch ydlidar_ros2_driver 


    launch $(ros2 pkg prefix ydlidar_ros2_driver)/share/ydlidar_ros2_driver/launch/ 
  2. RVIZ

    ros2 launch ydlidar_ros2_driver 


  3. echo scan topic

    ros2 run ydlidar_ros2_driver ydlidar_ros2_driver_client #or ros2 topic echo /scan
    ros2 run ydlidar_ros2_driver ydlidar_ros2_driver_clientpy