- 15
HMB minimum latitude?
#617 opened by egthomas - 0
RTD needs a configuration file
#601 opened by aburrell - 4
Cross-interference in HOK/HKW data
#613 opened by pasha-ponomarenko - 2
Stereo offset for legacy data
#580 opened by egthomas - 9
noise.lag0 and noise.vel in fitacf-format files
#570 opened by egthomas - 5
Removing the RFC documentation
#532 opened by ecbland - 6
make_fov: CFLAG required for compilation
#475 opened by aburrell - 3
Problem help
#603 opened by wonenye - 5
Installation issue
#604 opened by alok342311 - 3
Installing RST on a Mac...once more!
#609 opened by mtwalach - 0
Required dependencies for Rocky Linux 9.2 (Blue Onyx)
#590 opened by Yas979 - 2
Installation for Ubuntu 22.04
#599 opened by PajNath - 0
- 0
Installing on Mac: the fudgening
#581 opened by billetd - 28
RST version 5 installation errors
#588 opened by Yas979 - 21
RSt..dyld: symbol not found in flat namespace
#556 opened by subodhdahal1988 - 4
install RST - Centos 8
#563 opened by Aixuwu - 1
- 1
FitDecode unable to read real-time elevation angles
#586 opened by egthomas - 0
- 4
adding IMF file
#584 opened by ArdraRamachandran - 2
Issue regarding SuperDARN RST installation
#583 opened by ArdraRamachandran - 6
Update Wallops Coordinates
#572 opened by JWiker - 4
`trim_iq` doubles length of data array
#565 opened by ecbland - 2
make_grid with AACGM-v2 ERROR error
#564 opened by billchen0001 - 4
Capturing data processing metadata in dmap files
#479 opened by ecbland - 3
Plan for RST 5.0 release
#529 opened by ecbland - 4
- 10
make_grid / Chisham VHT model bug on Tiger Bay
#548 opened by alexchartier - 2
IDL FitSeek DLM segmentation fault
#525 opened by egthomas - 2
Calling the `lmfit2` library from `make_fit` -- duplicated functions with `fitacf3`
#522 opened by ecbland - 2
Removing Partial Records
#434 opened by mts299 - 0
FITACF GNU parallel
#478 opened by mts299 - 0
[EHN] make system refactored
#451 opened by mts299 - 0
Next minor release: RST 4.7
#482 opened by ecbland - 2
- 1
#485 opened by myspace9 - 1
TDIFF values in FitACF 2.5
#493 opened by ecbland - 2
[BUG] failure to compile with intel compiler
#450 opened by mts299 - 0
- 2
compiling gave multiple symbol definition error
#459 opened by wabristow - 1
Removal or relocating of testing/map_potential
#457 opened by mts299 - 1
dattodmap intt issue
#469 opened by egthomas - 1
- 2
Hardware file format description
#468 opened by pasha-ponomarenko - 9
Couldn't find png.h during make.code
#465 opened by JWiker - 3
Issue using fit_speck_removal
#467 opened by JWiker - 0
`rewind(fp)` has no effect when reading from `stdin`
#458 opened by ecbland - 1
Linguist overrides in .gitattributes
#452 opened by egthomas - 10
"map_addimf" does not read correctly TXT files when "-old" option is used working with old map files
#443 opened by gighen74