Wheelchair control system breakout with CAN bus support

Primary LanguageC++

Chair Control Breakout Mini

Connects between an electric wheelchair input device and the chair controller, so that the input device can be read by an Arduino and redirected to another system.

The output can be isolated so that the chair won't receive the input signals, preventing it from moving while the input is being used for another purpose such as controlling a computer or remote control device.

The breakout can send the output to either a connected USB host such as a computer, or other devices via CAN bus so the wheelchair controls can be used to fly a drone or drive a remote control car.

Chair Breakout Mini


  • 1 x input device connection.
  • 1 x input device pass-through output
  • CAN bus
  • Can derives 12V power from the host wheelchair controller or separately

More information is available at:



The "Hardware" directory contains the PCB design as an EAGLE project. EAGLE PCB design software is available from Autodesk free for non-commercial use.


The "Firmware" directory contains example firmware as an Arduino project.


Jonathan Oxer jon@oxer.com.au


Copyright 2017-2020 SuperHouse Automation Pty Ltd www.superhouse.tv

The hardware portion of this project is licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License (www.tapr.org/OHL). The "license" folder within this repository contains a copy of this license in plain text format.

The software portion of this project is licensed under the Simplified BSD License. The "licence" folder within this project contains a copy of this license in plain text format.