
Rails API for DIY Doom Index - Calculates doom based on economic, political and environmental data weighted by user preferences

Primary LanguageRuby

DIY Doom Index

DIY Doom Index uses macroeconomic, political and environmental data to create a daily index of doom and turmoil. Users can weight and enable provided datasets that will contribute to a calculated doom value. See working demo here. (Demo may take a few mins to start up) The front end was built using React, chart.js, JWT and Semantic UI in addition to a number of other packages identified in the yarn.lock file. Data retrieved in the Rails backend from FiveThirtyEight, FRED and NSIDC. Model relationships stored with Postgres. Frontend

Build status

Front end: Check master branch for current working version
Backend: Master


DIY doom app image


git clone https://github.com/SuperJesseH/diy_doomsday_backend
cd diy-doomsday-backend
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s

FRED api key and JWT key must be set in a .env file


Built by Jesse Horwitz
