This formulas resolves the Docker issue on AMD based MacOS (Ryzentosh). But can be used on any Mac.
brew cask install virtualbox
brew tap sergeycherepanov/docker-virtualbox
brew install docker-virtualbox
WARNING: Only this commands requires root permissions, all next should be run under your user
Ensure the NFS exports file exists
sudo touch /etc/exports
Allow the staff group to configure NFS shares and ip balancer without password prompt
sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/docker-machine-nfs <<SUDOERS
%staff ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/nfsd
%staff ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/cp /etc/nfs.conf /etc/nfs.conf.bak
%staff ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tee /etc/exports
%staff ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tee /etc/nfs.conf
%staff ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: $(brew --prefix docker-virtualbox)/bin/gobetween
Reboot your system to be sure that sudoers applied
If you didn't install Docker for Mac you can link binaries instead of PATH update
brew link --force --overwrite docker-virtualbox
Otherwise configure the PATH variable
# For the bash
echo "export PATH=\"$(brew --prefix docker-virtualbox)/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bash_profile
# For the zsh
echo "export PATH=\"$(brew --prefix docker-virtualbox)/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.zshrc
Reload the shell
exec $SHELL
In the first run according to the permissions policy you need to run it manually and approve permissions.
It should download, create and configure the virtual machine
docker-machine-init initialize
When it will be finished you are ready to enable the service
The log file will be always available in
brew services start docker-virtualbox
Test the Docker by running Nginx
docker run -d -p 8989:80 nginx
curl -v localhost:8989
SSH connection to the docker-machine
docker-machine ssh docker
To stop the service just run
brew services stop docker-virtualbox
To setup environment for 3rd party tools (ctop
as example)
source /tmp/docker-virtualbox.env