
A program to create good Minecraft seeds.

Primary LanguagePython


A program to create good Minecraft seeds. NOTE: The code is not fully hear yet because I am in the process of finding a license that fits the project.

Update #1 (Taken From My Reddit Post)


Hey everyone and welcome to my first update post for my "good-seed-generator". In this update, I created a super simple program that generates a list of 100 seeds.


The research for this project includes:

Code And Getting More Frequent Progress Reports

All of the code for this project can be found on this Github Page: https://github.com/CodeForeverAndEver/Good-Minecraft-Seed-Generator I also plan to do more frequent progress reports on the GitHub Page, whereas with these Reddit updates I want to do inform you guys about big updates only!

Coming Up Next

The next thing I am going to work on is (all automatically) putting the seeds into Chunkbase Biome Finder with Selenium, zooming out all the way to make sure the entire generated map is viewable, and then taking a screenshot with Selenium, and then cropping the image to just the map with Pillow. After that, I am going to work on creating an algorithm to check if the seed has all of the attributes that would define it as "good".

Release Date Prediction

Currently, I think that the full thing will be released two weeks from now!

Stay Up To Date

To stay up to date, keep checking the original post where I will keep posting the links to each update!

  • Beast

Update #2 (Taken From My Reddit Post)


Hey everyone and welcome back to another devlog update post for my "good-seed-generator". In this update, I built off of the last thing I built: a list-of-seeds generator.


The research for this update includes:

Code + Stopping Progress Updates on GitHub

All of the code for this project can be found on my Github Page for it: https://github.com/CodeForeverAndEver/Good-Minecraft-Seed-Generator. In the last update, I also mentioned that I would be giving more frequent mini-updates on the Github page but have decided otherwise as it only slows my progress down.

Coming Up Next

The next thing I am going to work on is creating an algorithm to check if the seed is "good". In this development process, I am only going to classify something as good if it has certain biomes near spawn. For example, I want to start by checking if it has a Mooshroom Biome, Mesa Biome, and Jungle Biome by spawn. If you want to influence this development process leave what you think is a good seed in the comments of this post. After that, I am going to take a while and learn PyQT and make a GUI to interface with the project. I also want to include different options for what you want in the seed. For example, if you want a jungle biome and mooshroom biome, there should be checkboxes in the program for whether you want them or not. But that is a much later update.

Release Date Prediction

I think that the very first version of this should be out 1-2 weeks from now. However, this will most likely be an exe file that just looks for mooshroom, mesa, and jungle seeds with you choosing any options. The first version with a GUI I expect will take much longer and I may decide to do mini-updates for that instead of these large ones,

Stay Up To Date

To stay up to date, keep checking the original post where I will keep posting the links to each update! Note: This is also the same link where I am asking for what you consider to be a good seed.

Leave Any Thoughts In The Comments

If you have any suggestions or want to show some encouragement, anything, just leave them in the comments. :D

  • Beast