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- Fast spam
- No need to drive your mail
- Supported on python3
- Supported other systems
- Quickly and clearly
- More supported services
- Functionality
pkg upgrade
pkg update
pkg install git
pkg install python
git clone https://github.com/mishakorzik/Email-Spammer
pip3 install requests
Need help with installation
1. If you have problems installing the requests library: python3 -m pip install requests
2. If modules cannot be downloaded: replace pkg with apt
3. If you do not know how to delete the repository: rm -rf Email-Spammer
Custom Email (custom_spam.py):
cd Email-Spammer
python custom_spam.py
Data Email (data_email.py):
cd Email-Spammer
python data_email.py
custom_spam.py: there you will need to select an email address for spam
data_email.py: This is so that you can send your IP and location data
Need Help
Do you need help? Write me on: miguardzecurity@gmail.com
If the tool fails, follow these steps:
Take a screenshot and see the error in detail
Contact me through the following email: miguardzecurity@gmail.com
Submit the screenshot and explain your problem with that error
If you want to donate, click on the button
1.qiq - Useful batch installer
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7.UserFinder - Find users in social
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