Pandoc docker

A simple docker container that utilizes the Eisvogel LaTex template, Pandoc and Panrun to easily convert your markdown files to PDF or LaTex.


You don't have to install anything on your system with the exception of Docker. Everything pandoc and latex related is done in the Docker container. Please note that pandoc and it's dependencies is REALY large and building this container can take a long time on slow machines / slow internet connections.

Build the Docker image

This image can be build like any other Docker image. An example can be found below

docker build -t supersjoerd/pandoc .


Frontmatter is a way to add metadata to your Markdown files. Because we use Panrun as a Pandoc wrapper, we can specify the everything regarding the template and the document conversion using frontmatter. More information about what frontmatter can be used is found in the documentation of Eisvogel and Panrun.


An example Markdown file can be found in the examples/ directory of this repository


  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where your Markdown file is located.
cd ~/Workspace/my-project-directory
  1. Execute the Docker image with volume binding to the current directory.
docker run --rm --volume "$(pwd):/data" --user $(id -u):$(id -g) supersjoerd/pandoc