
The goal of this 42 school project is to create a small 2d game using the school's graphic library, the MiniLibX. This project is a good introduction to graphical programmation due to it's simplicity and use of basic concepts.


The mandatory requirements for this project are as follows:

  • The program take a file ending in '.ber' as argument, which contains the map
  • The player needs to collect every collectible before being able to use the exit
  • Movement uses the 'W', 'A', 'S' and 'D' keys that move the player in their respective direction
  • The player cannot go through walls
  • The number of move is displayed in the shell
  • Have a 2d view
  • Have different texture for walls, floor, collectible, player and exit. They could be taken from the internet or made by yourself (I drew mine)
  • Clicking the window exit button or 'ESC' must quit the game cleanely
  • The map must contain 1 exit, 1 starting position and at least 1 collectible
  • It must be rectangular
  • It must be surrounded by walls


The bonus requirements for this project are as follows:

  • Create an enemy patrol which makes you lose the game
  • Add some animations
  • Display the movement count on the screen


You need to have the MiniLibX installed for the project to work. To play the game you need to:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Go to the root of the repository and use make or make bonus (you might have to go change the path of the MiniLibX)
  3. Use ./so_long <map> or ./so_long_bonus <map>